プレ大会 発表リスト

Performing Language :
International Conference on Drama and Theatre in Second language Education
2006年2月3日~5日 ヴィクトリア大学(カナダ)

発表者 発表タイトル(要旨 pdf)
Katsuhiro Ito 演劇的手法を使った初級日本語教育
Shingo Hashimoto 演劇指導論に基づく日本語音声教育の試み -モデル会話によるモニターと調整からアドリブロールプレイへ-
Yoko Nakai 日本語学習者の演劇パフォーマンスに見られる談話技能の分析-会話分析的アプローチの観点から-
Yuka Kusanagi Teaching English through Drama to Japanese University Students
Yuka Nakayama 演劇的手法を用いたある日本語授業実践報告:学習者の表現力を伸ばす装置としての演劇
Masumi Izumi Teaching English and History through Performances: Creating Multi-Media Teaching Package with Nobuko Miyamoto’s A Grain of Sand
Junko Baba Teaching Mimetics through Drama Method
Yukie Aida, Junko Hatanaka, Akemi Katayama, Naoko Suito Learners’ Views on Skit Presentation in the Japanese Language Classroom
Megumi Inoue Performing “the Other” or Constructing Agency of Speech?: Effects of Code-Switching (English/Japanese) and Style-Shifting on Actors, Audience, and the Plot
Helen Xiaoyan Wu See Thyself in Drama or Do Mechanical Pattern Drills? On Performaning CFL/CSL in the Initial Stage
Motoko Fukaya A Class Report: The Use of American Sitcoms to Teach English
Lynn Stein The Sound of Music(als) in Academic English
Olusola O. Adesope The Use of Drama in CD-ROM Multimedia Development of Advanced Level African Language Course
Vandy Britton Performing Language, Performing Culture: The Ethics of Using Drama in the Classroom
Colleen Lanki and Kevin Wetmore Performance Language: Beyond the Written Text in Second Language Theatre
Patience Omolola Traditional African Theater: The Case Study of The Gambia and Senegal
George Belliveau, Monique Bournot-Trites, Jeremie Seror The Role of Drama on Cultural Awareness, Motivation, and Literacy in a Second Language Context
Claire Borody Dissolving Boundaries: The impact of using cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural training and dramaturgical methods in the construction of theatrical realism
Shoshana Benjamin Lessons from the Master: What We Can Learn from Krapp’s Last Tape for the Language Classroom
Oriza Hirata (workshop) Teaching Expression in Japanese and English
Yoshikazu Kawaguchi (workshop) Using drama and theatre in Japanese language classroom
Oriza Hirata (workshop) Teaching Expression in Japanese and English
Lina de Guevara (workshop) Puente Theatre’s Story
George Belliveau (workshop) Incorporating Theatre and Drama into Language Curriculum
Juliana Saxton and Cameron Culham (workshop) Body, Mind and Language Swimming in Circles