1. Submission Guidelines
1-1 Submissions are limited to unpublished manuscripts. Manuscripts deriving from oral presentations at conferences or which have previously appeared in a conference booklet, and papers which have been published as research reports for funding, may also be submitted.
1-2 Manuscripts of the same content of manuscripts that have been submitted to other journals will not be accepted.
1-3 Submissions are limited to members of International Association of Performing Language. When there is more than one author, one author must be a member of the Association. Exceptions may be made if the editorial committee requests a manuscript.
1-4 Submissions will be reviewed by the editing committee who will decide whether or not the manuscript will be accepted.
1-5 Authors will receive no payment for accepted manuscripts.
1-6 The Association retains the copyright of accepted papers. The Association retains the right to copy accepted papers in electronic form.
2. Style Guide
2-1 Manuscript types
Manuscripts should be one of the following types:
(1) Research Paper: Papers should be original, verifiable and logical.
(2) Reports on Teaching: Includes reports on Teaching, reports on new teaching materials and methods
(3) Reseach Notes: Includes notes on new issues, comments or suggestions related to the specific topics.
2-2 The author should stipulate the manuscript type at the time of submission. However, while the manuscript is under review, the editorial committee may request the author to change the type of his/her manuscript.
2-3 All manuscripts will be reviewed by the editorial committee.
3. Format
3-1 Manuscripts may be submitted in either Japanese or English. The title, the abstract and the keywords must be written in both Japanese and English.
3-2 Manuscripts written in Japanese must be written horizontally and from left to right.The symbols . and , are to be used for punctuation.
3-3 Manuscripts should be A4 format with 40 lines per page. Letters must be 11 point.
3-4 The main text of a Research Paper should be accompanied with the title of the paper, name(s) and affiliation(s) of the author(s), Japanese abstract, English abstract, list of references, list of notes, and relevant tables and figures. For research papers the maximum length (including all of the above) is 30 pages, for Reports on Teaching 24 pages, and for Research Notes 16 pages. The Japanese abstract should be no more than 600 characters, while the English abstract should be no more than 200 words.
3-5 Tables and figures should be inserted within the main text. Letters used in tables and figures must be at least 8 point.
3-6 If chapters and sections within the text are to be numbered, use 1., 2. etc for chapters and 1.1, 1.2 etc for sections.
3-7 Non-Japanese proper nouns, including names, sited within the main text are to be written in their original form or in English. If an official name exists in katakana, that name may be used.
3-8 Notes should appear as endnotes after the end of the main text.
4. Submission procedures
4-1 Manuscripts should be submitted by email.
4-2 A submission sheet, the original copy of the manuscript, and an extra copy of the manuscript should each be attached as separate files and sent by email. Files should be in either PDF or Microsoft WORD format. Please consult the editorial committee concerning submitting files in any other format.
4-3 The submission sheet should include,
(1) the manuscript type (research paper, Report on Teaching, Research Notes), (2) the title of the paper, (3) name(s), affiliation(s), and position(s) of author(s), (4) the contact address of the author, including telephone, fax number and email address (when there are more than one authors, one address is sufficient)
4-4 The original copy of the manuscript should include the following, in the following order. All pages should be numbered:
(1) the manuscript type (research paper, Report on Teaching, Research Notes), (2) the title of the paper in Japanese, (3) name(s) and affiliation(s)of author(s), (4) abstract in Japanese, (5) keywords (five) in Japanese, (6) title in English, (7) the author’s name in romanization and the English title of the place of affiliation, (8) abstract in English, (9) keywords (five) in English, (10) the main text, tables and figures, and (11) notes and references. Note that if the manuscript is written in English, (6) to (9) interchange with (2) to (5).
4-5 Any reference to the author(s) or the author’s affiliation(s) should be removed from the extra copies of the manuscript. This includes indications in the main text, notes, references, or acknowledgements.
5. Sending submissions
5-1 Submissions should be sent by email to the following address:
Email address: hsmt100@gifu-u.ac.jp
5-2 Upon receipt of a submission, the author will be notified by email of the date the manuscript was received and a submission number.
6. Peer review and publication schedule
6-1 Submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by two reviewers, either members of the editorial committee or persons requested by the editorial committee to review the paper, and a final decision will be made by the editorial committee. The author will be notified by email of this decision within two months of receipt of the manuscript. Notification will be in the form of, A (manuscript accepted), B (manuscript accepted after some corrections), C (manuscript to undergo peer review again after corrections), or D (not accepted).
6-2 After a manuscript has been accepted, an electronic copy of the manuscript should be sent to the editorial committee.
6-3 Submitting files should be in Microsoft WORD file format or PDF files. Please consult the editorial committee concerning submitting files in any other format.
6-4 The author may proofread only the first proof for corrections. No additions or deletions should be made to the manuscript at the proof stage.